Quick Filters
  • 02 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Quick Filters

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Article summary

Quick filters provide Analytics Portal users an easy method to restrict and partition measure results with a single click. Quick filters are created in a report’s specification screen. To create a quick filter, follow these steps:

1. From the left navigation menu, select Report Manager.

2. In the Report Manager screen, select the report the quick filter will be added to.

3. In the report specification screen, go to the Quick Filters section of the report, enter the name of the quick filter, and then click the plus sign icon to add the quick filter.

4. After adding the quick filter, its details will be displayed below the "Add Quick Filter" field. Select all the measures that should be associated with the quick filter from the "Measures" field. The "Add All" button selects all of the report's measures at once.

Of note, the order in which quick filters appear in Analytics Portal can be changed using the "drag and drop" icon to the left of the quick filter's name.

5. Go to the Report Measure's section of the screen and click on one of the measures that was associated with the quick filter to open it. In the opened measure panel, see the grey "Quick Filters" box and specify the the quick filter's reference field, operator, and operand. For example, to create a quick filter that isolates patients with a CKD diagnosis per CMS’s CCW standard, select Is CCW CKD = 1. 

If a quick filter needs to reference more than one field, logical operators can be added by selecting the plus sign icon for an AND operator or the + OR icon for an OR operator.

Once the quick filter has been configured, its filter criteria can be transferred to the other measures by selecting the two arrow icon.

6. Finally, navigate to the upper right corner of the screen and select the save icon to save the newly created quick filter. Most of the time, the quick filter will be available on the report immediately. However, when measures associated with the report have been modified since the report was last run, you will be required to rerun the report before the new quick filter is available. If the report needs to be rerun, a pop-up window will appear upon save stating the report must be rerun.

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