All Measures
  • 24 Feb 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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All Measures

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Article summary

The All Measures board generates automatically at the moment of report instantiation. It allows users to get an at-a-glance view of how the measures on a report are proceeding.


Every measure in the report is shown in the All Measures board, and their layout is determined by the profiled domain of each measure. The available domains can themselves be profiled in Metadata Manager, where they can be named and rank ordered.

No matter the user-defined domain setup, population measures are at the top and are given a special treatment. All other measures are laid out per the profiled domains, and the placement of each measure into a particular domain is set by Measure Workshop.

Performance Reporting

Next to each non-population chart are two items that indicate the performance of the measure: the headline number and the performance badge. The performance badge is based on the target and target direction, as well as the ordinary-least-squares calculated slope of the measure over time. Alternatively, the user can choose to compute performance based on a year-over-year calculation via the hamburger menu.

The performance period can be toggled between the aggregate data or the latest data by an item in the hamburger menu. Note that toggling the performance period does not change the date range of the charts, only the performance period.

There are four options for the performance badge: Target Hit, Improving, Stable, and Worsening. A measure is considered stable if the slope is less than 5% of the measure value, in either direction. For year-over-year reporting, a measure is considered stable if it is within 5% of its previous-year value.


Although the dashboard does not have a fully featured set of filter controls, there are some capabilities to modify the data being reported. If the report has quick filters, or if the user has a profiled scope, then these can be toggled from the filter control. Doing so will apply the filter dictated by the quick filter or the scope. Users can also manipulate the global date range from the filter control; this will affect both the chart and the performance outcomes.

The All Measures board can be exported to CSV via an option in the hamburger menu. The spreadsheet will contain performance details for every measure, not just for the current setup but for each quick filter as well.

If a previous instance of the report exists, users can toggle back to the previous instance. This can be a useful validation tool, to make sure that recent changes to measure definitions have not had an unexpected effect on the report output.

Users can drill down into a specific measure by clicking on it. There are also icons on the dashboard panels to navigate directly to the Driver Diagram or Case Review, if applicable.

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