  • 26 Dec 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Boards are a mechanism for users to create and share customized analyses within a report.

Creating Boards

Users can pin an analysis using the pin button on the top of Measure Explorer or Case Review. 

Users can create as many different boards on a report as they choose. Users can choose to add the analysis to an existing board, or create a new board. By default, boards will show up on the application leftbar, but there is a checkbox in the configuration screen to opt out. Users can also add an icon of their choice to each board.

If they are on the “Bar Chart”, “Dot Chart”, or "Pie Chart" option of the Measure Explorer, they are given the option to save the bookmark as a chart, a data table, or both together. The board configuration screen will automatically open on a new tab whenever users pin an analysis to it.

When pinning a Case Review tile to a board, if there are any pinned columns in Case Review, then only those columns will appear on the tile. If no columns are pinned, then all the non-hidden columns in case review will appear on the tile.


When a user pins an analysis, he or she has the option of adding a filter dimension to the analysis so that consumers of the board can apply a filter in real time on a chart-by-chart basis. In addition to the per-analysis filter options, a filter control can be expanded at the top of the board screen and can be used to apply filters to every analysis on the board. Only those fields that are present on every measure represented in the board will be available for filtering.

Editing Boards

From the board, the gear icon takes users to a configuration screen in which they can reorder or remove analyses and add or edit WYSIWYG text fields. Users can either save or revert prospective changes using the appropriate buttons. Moreover, a timestamped change log keeps track of revisions to the board configuration, and users can revert to a previous configuration. Also, in-process edits are autosaved so that if users lose connection before saving changes to the board configuration, they will be prompted next time they edit that board’s configuration if they want to use the autosaved version.

Users can clone any board that they are allowed to view. The newly cloned board will be owned by the user who created it and will start with the privacy level of “only I can view.” Admin and Architect users can downgrade the visibility settings of other users' boards so as to be able to remove unmaintained boards from public view.

In addition to cloning entire boards, users can clone any tile within an existing board. Cloning a tile is typically used within a workflow in which the user immediately edits the cloned tile to effect a variation on the tile that was cloned.

Users can copy boards to different reports, via a "Copy to Clipboard" iconbutton alongside the "Clone" iconbutton. When a board is in the clipboard, a button will appear in the leftbar allowing users to paste the board. Users can then navigate to the target report and paste the board. Any chart built on a measure that does not exist in the target report will show up as a broken tile.

Collapsing Tabs and Titles

Users can collapse board titles in view mode, and can collapse both board tabs and board titles in edit mode. Collapsed tabs or titles will hide all the tiles beneath them, up until the next tab or title. When collapsed in edit mode, the tabs/titles will drag with them all the tiles that have been collapsed under them. For the most predictable results, we recommend first fully collapsing the board — using the double-chevron icon — before dragging collapsed tabs or titles.

Sharing Boards

The owner of the board can set one of four visibility options for a board: “Only you can view,” “All users can view,” “All users can edit,” and “All report users can view, all report architects and admins can edit.” Even at the most permissive visibility level, only owners are allowed to delete a board.

Editing Charts in a Board

Users can edit board tiles by clicking on the pencil icon next to the chart in the edit mode of the board screen. When they click the pencil icon button they will be brought to the analysis, and the pin button will be replaced by a save button. After changing the parameters of the analysis—which can go so far as to navigate to a different measure on the report—pressing the save button will replace the original board tile in place while honoring the original placement and size of the existing tile.


Users can add comments to board tiles. The comments can be displayed by clicking on the comment icon in the board tile and will remain onscreen until the comment icon is clicked again. Users with edit privileges on the board can click on the comment to edit it, without having to go into edit mode on the board, which can be useful for quickly capturing feedback during a presentation. Comment-less tiles will have their comment popovers open directly in edit mode. The visual presentation of the icon is different if a comment already exists, so that users won't have to click the comment icon to see if the tile has one.

Multi-Tab Boards

Users can create tabs and position board tiles within tabs from the board edit screen. Any board with tabs enabled will show one tab at a time while in view mode. By convention, any board with tabs should have a tab element as its first element; if this is not in place then a tab entitled "First Tab" will be automatically added. 

When pinning an analysis to a multi-tab board, users will be prompted which tab they want to add the analysis into. The analysis will be pinned to the bottom of that tab.

Broken Tiles

When existing tiles become illegitimate due to changes in the underlying measures on the report, they will still be displayed with a note describing that they are no longer renderable. If a tile is illegitimate due to changes to fields referenced on the original analysis, users can edit and repair the board tile; the illegitimate filters will be stripped off when entering edit mode. 

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