Driver Diagram
  • 24 Feb 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Driver Diagram

  • Dark

Article summary

The Driver Diagram provides a mechanism for users to see the relationship between measures, as well as the predicted effects of upstream measure changes on downstream measures.


The results in the Driver Diagram come from an analysis of the driver files set up in Report Manager. Ursa Studio users can specify which upstream measures are expected to drive changes to which downstream measures. They can also identify control variables by assigning them as Risk Stratification Fields in Measure Workshop. During report run, a regression is run on the actual historical data to verify the existence and quantify the magnitude of downstream effects.


Users see the active measure highlighted, with arrows to and from its proximate downstream and upstream measures. The color of the arrow represents the strength of the connection:

  • A p-value of less than 0.01 renders as a dark stroke.
  • A p-value between 0.01 and 0.05 renders as a moderate stroke.
  • A p-value above 0.05 renders as a light stroke.

Users can switch focus within the Driver Diagram by clicking on the Driver Diagram measure. Users can drill down into Case Review or Measure Tracker by clicking the appropriate icon in the corner of the Driver Diagram measure.

What-If Scenarios

Along the top of the Driver Diagram is a slider that enables users to engage in predictive modeling. For example, “What if we were able to change the value of an upstream driver? What would happen to the downstream measures?”

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