Measure Workshop Advanced Features
  • 24 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Measure Workshop Advanced Features

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Article summary

Hamburger Menu Actions

The hamburger menu in the topbar is accessible from anywhere in Measure Workshop and enables several actions, most of which are shared with Object Workshop.

Users can clone a measure, which creates a duplicate of an existing measure without modifying the original. The clone is immediately saved based on the existing state of the measure definition and can be edited and re-saved as normal.

The developer panel opens a new panel showing the underlying definition of the measure as well as the measure SQL. Both the measure definition and the measure SQL are updated in real time as the measure is changed. The developer panel also enables users to view the query plan and cost of a measure of RDBMSes which support EXPLAIN queries.

Appropriately privileged users can change the report parameters in the developer panel so as to mimic the measure SQL for any type of report. Users can also populate the parameters automatically based on the existing details of any report that the measure is linked to.

The link to manage field groups is available in the hamburger menu as well. Each field can be assigned to a field group, which Analytics Portal then uses to order and group fields in Case Review and in the filter control.

Users can also archive a measure. Users can see archived measures by toggling the appropriate icon in the Measure Workshop dashboard, and from there can restore measures from the archive if desired.


Based on the metadata of the measure and its constituent objects, Measure Workshop will intelligently set defaults and provide warnings. For example, when a new linked object is added to a subpopulation, Measure Workshop will try to identify the appropriate foreign key relationship between the new object and existing objects. All auto-generated fields such as this will prompt the user for confirmation.

Measure Workshop will also issue warnings if it believes, for example, that the grain size of a newly linked object is inconsistent with the existing subpopulation. These warnings are typically resolved by adding the appropriate extra restrictions on the new object. The warnings can be dismissed if the user decides to override Measure Workshop’s recommendation.

Measure Autosave

Every time a user makes a change to a measure, the application will autosave the measure to a holding table. When the user opens a measure with an autosaved version with a more recent timestamp than the saved measure, the user will be prompted to load the autosaved version, at which point the user can review and re-save as normal. If the user declines, the autosave will be deleted permanently.

If a user has an autosaved version but that measure had been updated more recently by another user, then the autosaved version will not be considered for recovery.

Autosave and recovery also covers new objects and measures. Users who had started but not saved a new object or measure will be prompted to recover that object or measure the next time they start on a new measure or object of the same type.

Clipboard Copy and Paste

Users can copy and paste patterns, pattern blocks, objects, and stacks from within Object Workshop and Measure Workshop using a clipboard feature. The clipboard icon button can be found in patterns and pattern blocks, and at the top of the screen for elements and stacks. Once something is placed into the clipboard, buttons will appear to paste the clipboard contents into the appropriate places: patterns and pattern blocks can be pasted at the bottom of the existing patterns, whereas objects and stacks can be pasted via the leftbar. The clipboard is automatically and immediately shared among all open browser tabs. To create a new single stack out of a stack in the clipboard, users can go to create a new single stack and to see the option in the leftbar to populate the stack from the clipboard.

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