Application Management
  • 19 Jan 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Application Management

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Article summary

In the Application Management area, users can define platform-wide date ranges and execute custom scripts.

Global Variables

From the Global Variables screen in Metadata Manager, users can set system-wide variables for use across the platform.

Data start and end dates inform the possible range of reports in Analytics Portal, and can also be invoked in object or measure logic using the Data Start Date and Data End Date patterns. The start date must always be managed manually, whereas there are five options for end-date management.

  1. Manage the data end date manually.
  2. Have source data imports automatically set the data end date based on the data coverage end date of the import, provided that it is after the currently set global data end date.
  3. Use current date, which will use the day of the report instantiation or ELT as the assumed global data end date.
  4. Use current date with offset, in which negative days offset results in a Data End Date earlier than current date; e.g., an offset of -1 results in a Data End Date that is the day before current date.
  5. Use first day of current month.

If global data end date is mistaken after being set by the data coverage end date of an import, for example if the coverage date of an import file is incorrectly set to be a date in the far future, then the appropriate remedy is to change the data end date management setting to manual, to correct it by hand, and then to flip the management setting back to automatic. The ELT screen will throw a warning if it pushes the global data end date into the future based on the metadata provided to the import.

Users can set the verbosity of ELT and report logs via the Global Variables screen on Metadata Manager. The "ELT Log Verbosity" option is a global setting that will apply to all ELT and report logs, no matter what the default log level is for the application as a whole. The available options are "verbose", "info", "warn", and "error".

For deployments with SQL visibility enabled and in verbose logging mode, all SQL executed against the customer database will be logged. The SQL will be logged to the application logs for queries executed directly from the application, and to the ELT and report logs for queries executed within an ELT or a report run.

Semantic Mapping Templates

To create a semantic mapping object, users must first set up one or more semantic mapping templates, which define a bundle of commonly anticipated fields that represent the output of the object. A semantic mapping template consists of a set of fields with labels, comments, and data types for each.

Semantic mapping template fields can be set up as required and/or as non-nullable. Being required means that they must be mapped by the semantic mapping object, although this requirement can be overridden at the object level. Being non-nullable means that a validation rule will be added to the semantic mapping object upon import to either throw a warning or an error if any records of the applicable field are null.

Each field in a semantic mapping template can be assigned a field group, and the field group of the template field will determine the way the fields are organized in the semantic mapping process. Once templates are set up, one or more templates can be added to the semantic mapping object itself.

The order of the columns in the finished semantic mapping table will be ordered first by field group, then by the ordering of the templates, then by the order of the field within each template.

Application Analytics

The Application Analytics screen within Metadata Manager enables users to execute an "ELT Performance" report. The report shows objects whose ELTs have been taking over 10 minutes. It compares the most recent ELT within the given range against the average ELT within that same range, so as to identify the objects which have been taking the longest, which have been taking the longest per row, and whose elapsed time has ballooned the most in the most recent ELT.

Custom Actions

Currently, there is one custom action available to users: Search for Patterns. Other custom actions may be developed on a customer-by-customer basis.

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