Report Instances
  • 24 Feb 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Report Instances

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Article summary

Running reports generates a report instance, the unit that is served to the end user. Until a report is run, users cannot access it, even if they are set up to have access. Reports should be periodically rerun as new data becomes available. 

Running Reports

Running reports can take anywhere from less than a minute to many hours, depending on the size of the report. If the report has not been completed within 48 hours, it is cancelled. The measures on a report are all run in parallel, up to the connection pool threshold of the client database. 

If a driver file is defined on the report, Ursa will append the relevant linked measure results to the population. This makes it possible, for example, when navigating to Measure Explorer for the population, to split and filter by any of the result fields in the linked measure.

During the report run, users can see the real-time progress of all the measures in the report. The measure status updates in real time from notifications from the server, so the screen does not need to be refreshed to see the latest progress. After all the measures have finished running, subsequent report-wide properties are built, such as Advanced Analytics.

After the report has finished running, users can select individual measures to be re-run. This is especially useful if a small number of measures failed for a large report. By repairing and re-running the errant measures, users can save the hassle of a complete re-run. Post-measure steps such as rerunning Advanced Analytics can also be selected and re-run on a granular level.

Users can download the report run log of a report instance, even before it has finished.

Report instances will not be shown in Analytics Portal until they are complete, unless they have been "Rushed to Production" via the appropriate icon button in the Report Instances screen. The server always keeps the most recent previous report instance around as a backup, but for compliance reasons all but the two newest report instances of a given report are purged upon successful run. Reports older than a year are also purged automatically for compliance reasons.

Measure Views

During the running of a report, the application creates views representing the raw measure results as well as the measure results aggregated to the case level. The view names are based on the report ID and the measure identifier and will be listed in the Report Instances screen in Ursa Studio. They do not change from one run to the next. Measure views serve as a handy integration point for any downstream application to build on the Ursa Health measure results.

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