- 27 May 2022
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Release Notes v5.4
- Updated on 27 May 2022
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What's new?
The validation panel in Object Workshop has been expanded to handle general-purpose and fully-customizable validation rules. The rules are run in ELT post-processing, and can be run on any field in the object.
Validation rules take the form
When <aggregation function> <optional filter clause> is <validation test> then throw an <error/warning>Supported aggregation functions are
- Count of records
- Distinct count
- Sum, min, max
Supported validation tests are
- Is Zero or Is Not Zero
- Greater than or less than a value
- Greater than or less than a % of the total row count of the table
- Percentage change since last ELT
In other words, the aggregation function and the filter clause combine to generate a number, which might be the count of a certain type of record, or the maximum value of the field, or some other computed value. Then, the validation test decides if that number is valid, and if not, what severity of warning to throw.
For example,
When <count of records> <where pat_age is less than 0> is <not zero> then throw an error
When <the distinct count of plan IDs> (no filter) <has changed by more than 20 since the last ELT> then throw a warningValidation rules cannot be added to import objects, bespoke objects, or Ursa Standard objects.
New objects will automatically start with the following two validation rules:
- When the count of records is zero then throw a warning
- When the count of records has changed by over 20 percent since the last ELT then throw a warning
Validation rules can be added to semantic mapping templates, from where they can be imported into semantic mapping objects via a button in the validation panel of the semantic mapping object. Only rules that reference mapped fields will be inherited.
What improvements have we made to existing features?
- The controls to manage case effective dates in Measure Workshop have been moved from the denominator root screen to the configuration panel in the measure root screen, for ease of access.
- The "Numerator-Denominator Relationship" panel in Measure Workshop has moved from the root of the numerator stack to the measure root screen, between the "Configuration" and "Derived Fields, Restrictions, and Transformations" panels.