Release Notes v8.4
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

Release Notes v8.4

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Article summary

What's new?

  • Added Developer Notes textarea to measures and objects.

What improvements have been made to existing features?

  • And/then clauses of CASE WHEN patterns will be reordered as blocks, so that all the "ands" move together with their ensuing "thens".
  • Allow "data table only" view for pie charts in measure explorer.
  • Allow validation rules to use published Intermediate Derived Fields in Semantic Mapping objects.

What's been fixed?

  • Fixed a bug preventing users from altering the data-table configuration while pinning a tile from measure explorer.
  • Expanded the ESCHEW_SSO_SIGNATURE_VERIFICATION flag to appropriately cover the failure mode witnessed on 6/10/2024 for our AWS deployments. This flag should now skip the entire signature verification step, instead of just accepting a mismatch at the end of the step.
  • Adapted the SSO process in AWS to handle binary-formatted public key response from AWS during signature verification.

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