- 16 May 2023
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CKD Stage
- Updated on 16 May 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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The stage of a patient’s chronic kidney disease (CKD), for stage 1 through stage 5 and ESRD. Stage is calculated only for patients already meeting the criteria for CKD. Stage is determined by a combination of the following: (1) ICD-10-CM codes specific to a particular stage; (2) estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) lab results within certain bands associated with a stage; (3) identification of the patient in a CMS Monthly Membership Report as an ESRD beneficiary; (4) documentation of a prior kidney transplantation surgery; and/or (5) status as a chronic dialysis patient. The patient’s CKD stage can change over time, so a patient timeline data structure is appropriate.
Used in the URSA-CKD module to risk stratify and to identify later-stage CKD patients for certain measure inclusion / exclusion criteria.
Related objects
- Document Aggregator for URSA-CKD Concepts
- Chronic Dialysis Episodes
- Kidney Transplantation Surgery Encounter
- Patient Timelines for CCW Conditions
- Patient Timelines of Any Plan Membership
- Patient Timelines for CKD Stage
- Patient Timelines Master for URSA-CKD Concepts
Detailed narrative of logic
- At a high level, the CKD staging logic, as implemented primarily in Patient Timelines for CKD Stage, uses an attribution framework to reconcile potentially competing evidence to generate a dynamic longitudinal picture of a patient’s CKD stage. In this framework, each stage represents an exclusive result for each CKD patient — that is, the patient can be assigned only one stage — and the logic is seeking to find the “best” stage given the evidence available.
- As implemented in Patient Timelines for CKD Stage, the logic restricts results to patient-periods during which the patient met the criteria for CKD, as obtained from Patient Timelines for CCW Conditions using a restriction of Is CCW CKD = 1, or was identified on a CMS Monthly Membership Report as an ESRD beneficiary, as obtained from Patient Timelines of Any Plan Membership using a restriction of Is CMS ESRD Status = 1.
- Continuing in Patient Timelines for CKD Stage, patients are considered to have ESRD if any of the following criteria are met: the patient is in a chronic dialysis episode (obtained from Chronic Dialysis Episodes); the patient has a history of kidney transplant (obtained from Kidney Transplantation Surgery Encounter); or the patient is identified as an ESRD beneficiary in the CMS MMR as described above (obtained from Patient Timelines of Any Plan Membership).
- Finally, CKD patients that do not meet the criteria for ESRD are assigned a stage, if possible, based on their history of stage-specific ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes (see value set cluster CKD STAGE) or eGFR lab results (see value set cluster GFR TESTS BY PATIENT RACE) with the following staging bands: eGFR ≥ 90 indicates stage 1, 60 ≤ eGFR < 90 indicates stage 2, 30 ≤ eGFR < 60 indicates stage 3; 15 ≤ eGFR < 30 indicates stage 4; and eGFR < 15 indicates stage 5. When identified on the patient’s record, the appropriate race-specific eGFR lab is used; patients without race documented use the non-black or non-race-specific labs. The identification of documents with qualifying ICD-10-CM codes or eGFR lab codes, and their translation to CKD stage values, is implemented in Document Aggregator for URSA-CKD Concepts; the integration of this information with other evidence of staging described above occurs in Patient Timelines for CKD Stage.