Patient Timelines PDC Medication Supply
  • 31 May 2023
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Patient Timelines PDC Medication Supply

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Article summary


Patient timeline with one record per period during which the patient is in a medication therapy episode for a PDC medication.


Used in the URSA-PHARM module to avoid double-counting supply when patients are on multiple families of medications within the same PDC category.

Detailed narrative of logic

  1. This logic begins with the PDC Measure Fills synthetic object which is one record per patient - calendar date - ingredient triple for a targeted PDC medication; includes information on the medication therapy episode containing that fill.
  2. Next, for each episode in PDC Measure Fills, the distinct count of fills for Oral Antidiabetics, Oral ACEI/ARBs, and Statins are calculated.
  3. Finally, the object is collapsed to records containing at least one active (in-supply) medication.

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