Report Browser
  • 24 Feb 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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Report Browser

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Article summary

The landing page for Analytics Portal acts as a report browser that displays the reports to which a user has access, as well as a panel of all the boards to which the user has access ordered by the date of user access and recent News Feed posts on any of his or her reports. 

When drilling down into a report, users see a similar view in which the reports panel has been replaced by a panel of all the measures on the current report. Report Home, which appears on the leftbar, brings users to the home page of each respective report.

Public Reports

Users typically gain access to a report if they have been granted access, either individually or as part of a user group. A report can also be designated as public via the report detail screen in Ursa Studio. If a user has access to a report by virtue of its being public and not with an explicit grant, then he or she will be considered a casual user to the report and as such will not be entitled to see Case Review.

User Panel

All the users who have been granted access to a report are shown in the user panel of the report home screen, sorted by activity. All of the following actions count toward a user’s activity: recent updates to measures on the report, recent creation or edits to boards, News Feed posts, and every access to the report. The user panel is always available from the user icon in the topbar.

Search Controls

The search widget allows deep searching within the reports, measures, and boards. Searches will cover measure nicknames and identifiers, as well as board texts and captions.

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