Table Dashboard
  • 04 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Table Dashboard

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Article summary

The Table Dashboard provides a heads-up summary of the performance of all of a report’s measures. It is generated automatically at the moment of report instantiation.


Measures are displayed as rows, and there a several options for the display of columns, which can be toggled via the dropdown button at the top of the screen. By default, columns are set to be the quick filters profiled on the report. Users can also choose the columns to be time periods, based on the periodicity of the report. Lastly, users can set the columns to be levels of any analytic field that is present in at least two of the measures on the report.

In addition to comparing measure performance against the profiled targets, the Table Dashboard is also responsive to performance trends over time, to show if a measure is moving meaningfully toward or away from the goals.

A quick filter can be applied to the dashboard as a whole. If this is done in quick-filters-as-columns mode, the columns for the other quick filters will represent data in which the filters of both the selected quick filter and that columns quick filter are applied.

Clicking on a grid cell will drill down into Measure Explorer, with the pertinent filter (quick filter, time period, or split level) applied.

Performance Reporting

Two items indicate the performance of the measure: the headline number and the performance color. The performance color is based on the target and target direction, as well as the ordinary-least-squares calculated slope of the measure over time. Alternatively, the user can choose to compute performance based on a year-over-year calculation via the hamburger menu.

The performance period can be toggled between the aggregate data or the latest data using the hamburger menu. Note that toggling this performance period does not change the date range of the charts, only the performance period.

There are four options for the performance badge: Target Hit, Improving, Stable, and Worsening. The measure is considered stable if the slope is less than 5% of the measure value, in either direction. For year-over-year reporting, a measure is considered stable if it is within 5% of its previous-year value.

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