  • 17 Apr 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Reports are collections of conceptually related measures that have user-defined date range. Reports are available only to users designated in the report’s settings. Reports can have specific features that are enabled on the level of specific measures or the report. 

Adding Measures and Users

A report can contain an unlimited number of measures. 

When adding a measure to a report, users can designate it as being "auxiliary", which will have the effect of hiding it from the Report Home and Table Dashboard screens of Analytics Portal, as well as relegating it to an "Auxiliary Measures" section of the All Measures board.

Access to a report can be granted to an unlimited number of users, either directly or via a user group. Admins can also set the desired attribution field for each user.

Please refer to the Case Level Visibility documentation for more details about attribution fields and case level visibility settings.

The current user will be automatically added as the first user when creating a new report.

Driver Files

Driver files help document the relationship between measures and are used to power the Driver Diagram. Each driver file is anchored around a population measure, with links out to an unlimited number of non-population measures. A report can have multiple driver files if it has multiple population measures, but no measure can be in multiple driver files.

When measures are added to a driver file, a user must select a field in the non-population measure to link to the numerator case field of the population measure. He or she can also specify the drivers of that measure and add a timing restriction. For example, if one measure is believed to drive a change in a second measure with a six month lag, they can both be added to the driver file, with the first measure noted as a driver of the second and with a six month relative date offset. The input form will show which inequality operators will be inclusive and which will be exclusive.

When setting up timing restrictions, the user can choose the fields on both the population and the measures that are used for the timing comparison. This measure date will default to be the snapshot date for entity measures, and the segment start date otherwise. The default comparison field for the population is always the segment start date. Static measures and static populations have no timing comparisons; these measures will be linked purely on key.

Quick Filters

A report can have an unlimited number of quick filters, which can be used to provide users with convenient ways to partition the report. Quick filters often help a single report serve the needs of multiple constituencies. They can also be used within a given constituency to quickly toggle between different areas of data.

Each quick filter can specify the measures contained within it; any measure not in the quick filter will be suppressed from the dashboard when the quick filter is activated by the end user. Moreover, measures can add any number of filters that are enforced when the quick filter is activated. 

When setting up quick filters on analytic fields, values will be available for selection per the data in the most recently instantiated report. If some values are chosen for the filter that are not present in the measure instance data, a warning will show.

To save time in setup, it’s possible to transfer quick-filter setup on a single measure of a report to the other measures in the report. For example, if a quick filter is going to be based on the field is_icu = 1, and that field is present on every measure in the report, users can set up the first such filter, then press the transfer button to apply that setup to the other measures.

The transfer logic can match on either the field key or its label. Transferring will overwrite the filters on measures that have already been set up if a match is found. If a user adds a new measure to a report, he or she can similarly use the transfer button to transfer quick filters onto that measure from already setup measures.

Setting up an icon with the quick filter is recommended as this will help users in Analytics Portal identify it. Users can choose any of the available icons via the searchable dropdown.

Report Logo Image URL

The report logo image URL option allows for the default Ursa Health logo to be replaced on a per-report basis in Analytics Portal by an alternative logo image. The logo image should be 230x50 pixels, with light text against a transparent background.

Periodicity and Report Date Segments

In order for data over time to be easily digested by users of Analytics Portal, the observations that comprise a measure are grouped into segments based on the temporal structure of the measure. For example, if the periodicity of an event-based measure is monthly, then all the events whose event time is within a particular month will share a common “segment start date” and “segment end date”, which in turn, will help drive run charts in analytics portal that show monthly trends.

The start and end of the report periods are driven by a combination of the report start and end dates, along with the buffered global data start and end dates. Buffering refers to the pre-case and post-case buffer as defined on each measure.

Partial periods will be included in reports, unless, for entity measures, the snapshot date falls outside of the data window as defined by the report dates and the buffered data start and end dates.

Snapshot Date Position

For reports that contain one or more entity measures, users have the option of selecting at what point in the period the snapshot will be taken. By default, the snapshot is taken at the beginning of the period—for example, the first day of the month for month-periodicity reports. Other options include the end of the period and the day before the end of the period.

For users who also want to have an extra snapshot taken representing the last day that data is available, even if it does not fall on the normal snapshot date, users can select a checkbox to include the current data end date.

Public Reports

Users typically gain access to a report if they have been granted access, either individually or as part of a user group or affiliation. In the report detail screen in Ursa Studio, users can also designate a report as being public, which means it will be visible to all users. If a user has access to a report because it is public, not because he or she has an explicit grant, then the user will be considered a casual user to the report and will not be entitled to see Case Review.

Report Staleness Threshold

The report staleness threshold represents the maximum report age in days before a staleness alert is shown in Analytics Portal. For example, if you expect the report to be refreshed nightly, setting the staleness threshold to 1 will cause an alert to be shown if the report is more than 24 hours old, which could indicate a failed ELT.

Report ELT

In Object Workshop, users can trigger the running of any affected downstream reports at the end of an ELT via the "Run affected reports" checkbox in the ELT Progress blade. A report is considered to be downstream of an object if it has any measures that reference that object. The reports will be kicked off immediately after the ELT is finished and will be run one after another in sequence. If some of the ELT objects fail to run successfully, the platform will only run reports in which all objects have successfully been built. 

Users can elect to exclude a report from being run after an ELT is complete by selecting the "Prevent Passive ELT" option. This will keep the report from being included in the ELT when the "Run affected reports" checkbox is selected.

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