Report Manager
  • 30 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Report Manager

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Article summary

The Report Manager dashboard displays a list of all available reports, along with the dates and times of recents edits and instantiations or the most recent refresh of a report's data. The dashboard also includes two panels: a Summary panel with general information about reports and an Instances panel.

Report Instances

The Instances panel lists all instances of active reports. This includes previous as well as the most recent versions of the reports. The list of report instances is presented in descending order. From this list, users can open and instantiate previous versions of the report, if desired.

Summary Panel

The Summary panel contains the following three tabs:

  • Report Activity: This tab contains two charts highlighting recent report activity. This first chart displays the number of times reports were accessed by active users over the past week, and the second chart shows the number of times reports were accessed over the last month.

  • Archived Reports: This tab provides a list of reports that have been archived. By clicking on a report name in the list, a user can open and restore an archived report, if desired.

  • Largest Measures: This tab shows a rank ordering of the largest measures on the server in terms of the amount of storage space required. This is useful if the server is getting full and some reports need to be purged.

Report Focus

By clicking on the magnifying glass beside each report, users can focus the dashboard on one report at a time. This will filter the Instance panel to only show those instances associated with the focused report. The Report Activity charts will also update to only represent report activity from the focused report.

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